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July 29, 2013

شرطة دبي تستمر في حملتها للتوعية بمخاطر الالعاب النارية//DANGER OF THE FIREWORKS - CAMPAIGN BY DUBAI POLICE

أطلقت ادارة أمن المتفجرات بالإدارة العامة لأمن الهيئات والمنشآت والطوارئ في شرطة دبي حملة  توعوية تثقيفية للتوعية بمخاطر الالعاب النارية وتستمر طوال شهر رمضان المبارك.
 وقال(الملازم أول/خالد خليفة المزروعي) من  إدارة المتفجرات في الإدارة العامة لأمن الهيئات والمنشآت والطوارئ في شرطة دبي بان الحملة تأتي ضمن استراتيجية القيادة العامة لشرطة دبي للحد من استخدام أفراد المجتمع لهذه المواد الخطرة وحماية أطفالنا من الإصابات والتشوهات والعاهات المستديمة وتصل الى حالات الوفاه .
 والهدف من هذه الحملة هو توعية أولياء الأمور وأفراد المجتمع من مخاطر وآثار هذه الألعاب النارية وما قد تنجم منها . وفي نفس الوقت يتم من خلال هذه الحملة التنسيق والتعاون مع المؤسسات المجتمعية للقضاء على هذه الممارسات السلبية 

ويوضح (الملازم أول/خالد خليفة) انه يتم من خلال هذه الحملة تنظيم محاضرات توعوية وفعاليات في أماكن عديدة مثل الاندية الرياضية والمراكز التجارية والخيمات الرمضانية . بالإضافة الى عمل جولات تفتيشية على المحلات التجارية بالتعاون مع دائرة التنمية الاقتصادية يتم من خلالها مخالفة المحلات الغير ملتزمة بقوانين الدولة .
كما يتم مصادرة الالعاب النارية وإنذار صاحب المحل للمرة الأولى ووضع ملصق على باب المحل يوضح عدم شرعية تداول هذه المواد الخطرة وبيعها .وإذا تكررت المخالفة للمرة الثانية يتم فرض غرامة مالية يتم تحديدها من قبل دائرة التنمية الاقتصادية وفي 

 الضبط  للمرة الثالثة يتم إغلاق المحل لمدة يتم تحديدها من قبل الجهات المعنية
وحول الفئات  المستهدفة من الحملة الاطفال وأولياء الامور والمروجين ويتم التواصل معهم بجميع الوسائل المتاحة مثل المحاضرات والإعلام وتوزيع البروشرات والملصقات .
وقال (المزروعي) انه يتوجب على أولياء الامور وأفراد المجتمع التعاون مع الجهات المعنية للحد والقضاء على هذه الظاهرة السلبية وحماية أطفالنا من التعامل الخاطئ مع هذه المواد الخطرة.

واشار حول صدور قرار اتحادي سنة 2009 صادق عليه رئيس الدولة بتصنيف الألعاب النارية على أنها متفجرات وتم سن عقوبات على كل من قام باستيراد أو حيازة أو التجارة بهذه المواد بالسجن لمدة ثلاثة أشهر أو الغرامة ب5000 درهم فيجب على مروجي هذه المواد الخطرة احترام قوانين الدولة ومكافحة استيرادها والتجارة بها .

ومن جانبها اكدت المنسقة الإدارية للحملة هديل الحبيشي ان الحملة في جولاتها الاولى حققت العديد من المكاسب وسط الفئات المستهدفة الذين تفاعلوا معها بالكامل خصوصا الاطفال واولياء الأمور في اشارة الى الحملة التي نفذت في مدينة مدهش الترفيهية في المركز التجاري في دبي والتي حظيت بأقبال كبير للإستفاد من المحاضرات  والارشادات التي تمت من خلال برامج ترفيهية وأسئلة تثقفية

وابانت انه منذ انطلاق الحملة التوعوية انخفضت نسبة مخالفات وشكاوى واضرار الالعاب النارية وهو مؤشر جيد لنجاح الحملة والاستفادة منها.


:الصحفيين في يوم زايد للعمل الإنساني تزور المرضى// VISITING DUBAI HOSPITAL PATIENTS DURING SHEIKH ZAYED DAY

Khaleejia said :
In collaboration with Journalists Association of UAE, we visited Dubai Hospital under the banner Love and Loyalty to humans during the official day of remembrance of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan.

Being welcomed by Dr Abdul Razaq Madani, CEO of Dubai Hospital and president of the Emirates Diabetes Association all the members of our delegation included Ahmad Anani Director of  Journalists Association and both members of the Board of Directors Mustafa Al Zarooni and Lulua Al Thani, praised the civil humanitarian gesture that delighted hearts of the patients of all ages and nationalities at the Kidney Department explaining that around 100 patients are received daily and hope that all services provided on the top of the quality and comfort for all of them.

The reason for choosing The Kidney Department On the Zayed Day Initiative for humanitarian action was that the fasting during the beloved by all Muslims month of Ramadan, require not only physical  efforts but psychological and moral as well. Patients with kidney dis-functions specially elder generation may need more attention and support during this period of fasting, if there are no any contradictions prescribed by doctors.
Each patient was visited with flowers, gifts and greeting cards to make them feel supported by the society. 

زار وفد من الإعلاميين والمتطوعين من الجنسين أمس قسم الكلى في مستشفى دبي وذلك ضمن جهود جمعية الصحفيين لدعم مبادرة يوم العمل الإنساني الإماراتي تحت شعار حب ووفاء لزايد العطاء التي أعلنت وزارة الشؤون عن انطلاقها في يوم ذكرى رحيل الشيخ زايد بن سلطان آل نهيان .
ورحب الدكتور عبدالرزاق المدني المدير التنفيذي لمستشفى دبي ورئيس جمعية الإمارات للسكري بجميع أعضاء الوفد الزائر ويضم أحمد عناني مدير جمعية الصحفيين وأعضاء مجلس الإدارة كلا من مصطفى الزرعوني ولولوة ثاني  ، وأثنى  المدني على هذه اللفتة الإنسانية التي أدخلت البهجة والسرور في نفوس المرضى على اختلاف أعمارهم وجنسياتهم موضحا أن قسم الكلى يستقبل ما يزيد على 100 زائر يوميا عدا عن المقيمين داخل المستشفى ، ويحرص على توفير كافة سبل الراحة والأمان لهم جميعا .

وعن سبب اختيار مرضى الكلى تحديدا لمعايدتهم أوضحت لولوة ثاني عضوة مجلس إدارة جمعية الصحفيين ورئيس لجنة الأنشطة والفعالياتأن صيام شهر رمضان المبارك من الفرائض المحببة لجميع المسلمين لما للصيام من لذة نفسية ومعنوية ، ويتعذر على غالبية مرضى الكلى الصيام ، الأمر الذي قد يؤثر سلبيا على معنوياتهم لا سيما بالنسبة للمرضى من كبار السن ، وقد ارتأت جمعية الصحفيين 

July 22, 2013

RAMADAN GATHERINGS جلسات في رمضان: Tradition to drink coffee in Al-Khaleej.

Khaleejia said: Jalsat with Khaleejia.
Let's talk about drinks in Ramadan.Today we will talk about Coffee. 
We know that It is very old drink that actually invented by Arabs. Despite that we have now lots of kinds of coffee Brazilian, American, Italian (cappuccino, americano, etc) but  the original one  was discovered in Yemen, and from the city where the trading started the coffee got its popular name from arabic Qahwa which turned to be "Coffee"  as qahwa, a truncation of qahhwat al-bun 'wine of the bean'.  From Wikipedia: 

"The earliest credible evidence of either coffee drinking or knowledge of the coffee tree appears in the middle of the fifteenth century, in the Sufi monasteries of the Yemen in southern Arabia. From Mocha, coffee spread to Egypt and North Africa, and by the 16th century, it had reached the rest of the Middle East, Persia and Turkey. From the Middle East, coffee drinking spread to Italy, then to the rest of Europe, and coffee plants were transported by the Dutch to the East Indies and to the Americas.

Shepherds noticed that their animals after eating some kind of plants were more active than usual, horses run faster and without any harm to their health. So people started adding the seeds to the food, but it became bitter. Though after they ate it they noted being energetic and could not sleep. 

After more attempts and tests with cooking of the coffee seeds, they discovered that it is good to boil and drink the same way as for medical herbs. After were added  some spices: zaafran and cardamon. These spices are very useful for the health as cardamon(traded from India) good for digestion and zaafran(traded from Iran) relaxes  body so after such a good "energy drink" people got lots of benefits: after heavy food or tiredness, no problems with stomach or nerves. :)

 With a time coffee became a drink that is served first to the guests as an act of hospitality. Mostly it was hard to offer anything else as there was problems with water and food. Yet effect of the coffee even in a small portion gave some relaxation& energy to those who came tired from the way. Usually coffee serving with dates as every Bedouin family had these food for the whole year and sweetness of the dates had a perfect match to the bitterness of the coffee.

 Till now-a-days coffee in the Khaleej is one of the favorite drink that presence in any occasions and gatherings. For men gatherings the coffee is served by youngest ones, at this time it is like a life-school for them. Politic, business, religion all are discussed by men during the gathering.

There are some etiquette for drinking coffee : right hand is used to hold a cup "fanjan", once you finish and do not want more swing it very slightly in front of the person who is going to pour some more into it, and without distraction he will pass you over.
The Bedouins were very practical in life, and this reflected in the utensil designs. Dalla -دلة - Arabic coffee jug made the way to be able to cook it directly on the fireplace, then easily  use it for pouring coffee into the tiny cups which are also smartly designed to be without handles as during the trips they can be broken  Small size of the cups allow easily store big quantity (as families were big) in one place and drank without harm of hot coffee because it will never be filled full. 
And of cause our gatherings (jalsat) can't be without coffee too:) 

* Share what your thoughts with us in the comments.:)
I just did this brief video additionally for this post. The way how to grind coffee:

July 19, 2013


Khaleejia said: This time our Ramadan gathering was in a beautiful place decorated specially for Jalsat in Ramadan tents.

Invited by the only Emirati Quilling Queen - the very first accredited Emirati quilling artist Farah al Fardh who also launched her new accessories collection,
organized a beautiful gathering for us in the World Trade Center in Dubai where we met amazing people from differnt fields of Art, Media and film making. 

Our Jalsa was really nice and informative, people who were with us have unique personalities and global achievements, it is kind of school where you can learn life from all aspects in details.

 We discussed the new collection launched by Farah and her student presented us her own quilling artwork, it was so cute and even inspired me to try. Seemed that Farah got happy to know that her army of fans is growing. We had a great chat and conversation about Autism problems,  film ideas and how they were filmed. Strories behind the scene like one boy who lost his father during filming and needed financial support. New coming Gulf film about a girl who wants to ride a bicycle but in KSA it was not allowed so she joined the Quran competition to win money prise to buy a bicycle. We talked a lot but the most interesting was who we are and here is our story:

The Emirati Quilling Queen:
Farah is a very intelligent, beautiful and talented lady who discovered her interest to quilling back in 2004 when there was none in the UAE who even knew about it. She is saying "Until 2007 when I published my artwork on an online forum that I realized no one had even know about it, there wasn't even a name for it in Arabic! So I gave it the arabic name 'Fan laf al-warq', which means 'The art of rolling paper'." She saying that the beauty of paper quilling. Just like any other art, it leaves you with no limits as to what you can create. All you need is a few equipment & an imagination let loose.And wouldn’t it be a pity if the world doesn’t realize that such an incredible art exists?" So she started her campaign of promoting quilling art in UAE, GCC and the Middle East. Now she got her accreditation in this art, built her own website, started participating in the National project and even teach quilling anyone who is interested in it. Now her sister Amnah Al Fardh preparing to get the Guinness World Record for making 1145 quilling technique paper dolls. link to the news on 18 July 2013. Farah is excited about her sister but still is very humble and doesn't pretend to be mentioned in her sister's achievement. Well she has her own! She became the UAE's regional representative of the Quilling Guild, a UK organisation, and started to exhibit her works at home and abroad. She was further recognised in 2009 with the Tamaiaz Award for Entrepreneurship and again last year with a Sheikha Shamsa Award for Creative Women. Al Fardh took her skills to Jordan  to teach orphans quilling techniques, supported by the Jordan Joud Foundation, a children's charity. Their artwork was then exhibited at the Jordan Quilling Exhibition. Her students saying they are so happy to get to know quilling and thanks to Farah who actually did a great job by  spreading this good art among the nations and countries. Visit Farah's site:

 AMAL AL AGROOBI :Director of "Half-Emirati" and a Founder of emirates Cancer Foundation.

Among invited was one of the most popular Emirati film maker and founder of  Emirates Cancer Foundation  AMAL AL AGROOBI.  Those who may have not heard about her, definitely heard about the moot point film "Half Emirati" who raised a huge interest of the local society and discussed world wide. Being a director of this film she disclosed a problem of those who are half emirati half other nationality. Watch trailer to "Half Emirati" .Being herself UAE national with Syrian mother she consider herself Emirati and saying  " I think what  means to be an Emirati it is not the khaleeji dialect you speak, passport you have or dress you wear but it is when you would live and fight for this land, you would contribute to society, this society, in a positive way and ultimately, you know, sacrifice your life for the land in which you inhabit."  Her passion to what she does  gives a lot of value to what she present. Working on another film that featuring Autism will show the problem from different aspects and angles and attempt to find a solution.
Please visit her websites:

Beautiful & Strong Shatha Abdullah
Another amazing guest was Shatha Abdullah originally from KSA but who lives in UAE and work as Public Relation in Media. Fabulous, fashionable, stylish and successful woman who shocked me by saying that she is a single mother of two beautiful children while she was the initiator of the divorce.Woman who came out of "the man's world" often have different attitude to the divorce but she proved us that woman is able to be responsible and self-sufficient not only for her self but for her family as well the same time being a good model of the arab lady in the modern world.

HUDA Police officer with a Big Heart 
Now i will tell you about Huda, Farah's sister who has the most incredible story you may expect to hear in such place.  She is covered and wearing abaya, very sweet, easy going and educated lady.It was enough to know that this humble lady is a Police officer and moreover she works at the prison. Our chat was so normal, we laugh and joke about many things  unless she said, "You know, I have a Russia child". I though it is kind of a joke, and just replied her "you were joking", but she said, " No, i am serious, i have a daughter and she is a Russian, now she is playing there in Modhesh". A date stuck in my throat. "Huda, what are you talking about? you are an Emirati and your husband an Emirati, so  how come?" Then she said "Yes but ex-husband. He left me once i took the decision to adopt this girl. I promised it to myself. I knew i will face a lot of problems, but the decision was made." After she told me her story. Huda did a very brave act of kindness by becoming a mother for Russian child who lost her parents after birth. Knowing what kind of problems she would face by doing it she went for it despite everything. Getting nationality for the child was one of the biggest problem, but she managed with it by giving her Comoros passport. Huda said: The girl look like Russian but she speaks like us, Emiratis. I put henna on her hair to look more "acceptable", despite everything i love her so much and can't now imagine my life without her. Though the girl knows from where was her original mother, she anyway calls me "Mama". I am happy.

Farah was very smart to offer us best snacks in the world: Lugaimat and Mkasarat.

July 18, 2013


Khaleejia said: First of all, Ramadan Kareem to all!
 Today i would like to post for you the designs of luxury home interiors  that done by a known company in Dubai .